Aerial Photo and video services


A E R I A L  P H O T O G R A P H Y      ______________________________________________________________________________

DCIM103GOPROWe can supply you with photography of Residential Property developments, Commercial Developments, Retail Parks, Golf clubs and courses, Holiday resorts, Spa hotels, Stately homes, Parks, Caravan Parks, Theme Parks, Marinas, Tourist Attractions, Historic Buildings, Schools & Colleges, Weddings, Social Events & Concerts, Festivals.



A E R I A L  V I D E O       ______________________________________________________________________________________DCIM109GOPRO

We can record 4K or HD video footage of any venues or grounds, sporting events, music videos, wedding venue and group shots, outdoor PR stunts and launch events.


A E R I A L  S U R V E Y I N G      ________________________________________________________________________________

DCIM102GOPROPrecision Agriculture,  Environmental Regulation and compliance, Traffic & road Surveys, Map Makers, Conservation, Surveillance, Security and Private investigation, Competitive intelligence, Search and Rescue, Disaster Relief, News Footage, Local Authorities



S T R U C T U R A L   I N S P E C T I O N  A N D  A S S E S S M E N T S      ______________________________________________________DCIM106GOPRO

Structural inspection and construction site data, Pipeline and electrical line inspection, Roof, Building and Bridge Surveys, Wind turbine Inspection



Please also see our recent work on music videos and commercial photography.

Music Video Production London

Commercial Photography London